Monday, August 30, 2010

The MN Zoo

Mommy, Daddy and I relaxing at the zoo

I went to the zoo zoo zoo,
Why didn’t you you you

I'm trying to catch a Butterfly in the Butterfly exhibit

You should have come too too too
When we went to the zoo zoo zoo

I got to pet a Goat, he was really scratchy

Monday, August 16, 2010

My first Baseball Game

Mommy, Daddy and Sister took me out for a ride yesterday. We went to a big park that was really loud and had all kinds of weird but interesting smells. After walking around for a long time, we went up a big set of steps and then sat down.

I'm not sure why we sat there and watch a couple of little guys running around a park for what seemed like hours. Daddy would yell something every once in a while, and Mommy would give him a funny look. Sister was eating food and drinking sodas while sending text messages. Then there would be a loud man talking, and once in a while there was a loud crack of a noise. Sometime the people around me would get really excited by this, other times they would just make a sighing noise.

All I know is, it was a really nice day to be at a park. I just don't understand why we couldn't go and play in the park too.

Next time, I'm going to learn to walk so that I can go down to the big park and play and not just sit still in a chair all day long.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Swimming Pools and Duckies

Mommy and Daddy have been trying to get me to go to the swim pool lately. Mommy says that she doesn't want me to be afraid of the water like sissy was at my age. So last week they took me to a pool at Lake Harriet... I didn't like it. Period.

That pool was loud, had lots of big kids running around, and the water was very very cold. I didn't like it, and I let them know it.

My new Swim Pool
But Daddy doesn't like it when I say no, so he got me my very own swim pool! He put it in the backyard on the patio and then we filled it up! I couldn't go in it right away because it was like the big pool at the park. Cold.

So when I did finally get into my pool it was nice and warm and Daddy got in with me! He liked the pool too. I could tell because he got in first!

I got Duckie!
I asked if I could have some friends come over and play in the pool with me. So Mommy said yes and got my Duckie friends to join me. I like them, they like to be in the water and I like to be in the water with them.

Mommy said that I can go in the swim pool any time I want, and Daddy said that I can do that too. But I'm not sure if I want to go everyday. Because getting out of the pool is very hard to do. Have you tried to get out of a pool. It is a lot harder then it looks!
Getting out is hard to do