Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Tour de France

I have been watching the Tour de France early in the mornings. This is when Mommy is normally up, but not Daddy. But because Daddy likes the Tour so much, he now gets up with us in the morning. I really like that.

Early morning watching the Tour
I'm starting to like this stuff. There are lots of bicycles going very fast with bright colored jerseys to watch. Mommy is always cheering "Go Fabian" and Daddy is always saying "Go Andy" but they are both silly because they are on the same team. My parents are silly.

I think Mommy likes Fabian Cancellear because he looks like Kronk from the Movie "The Emperor's New Groove."

Personally I like Andy Schleck just like my Daddy. He is close to my age, and I kinda like tall skinny boys anyhow. Kind of like my Daddy. But not so old! So I cheer with Daddy!

Andy has a problem
Then when my friend Andy was winning the Tour de France, some guy name Alberto comes along and attacks Andy in the mountains when he is the overall all Leader. Daddy says that isn't allowed in the gentleman's agreement of the sport. I watched as Alberto went flying past my friend Andy and I got very upset. Andy was supposed to win the race because that is what I wanted! I don't like that Alberto anymore. Daddy says that I shouldn't be upset, but I am anyhow.

I reacted very badly to Alberto's attack
I can see why Mommy and Daddy like to watch the Tour de France so much. I have to ask them if they will let me watch more bicycles.

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