Monday, November 1, 2010


Okay, this Halloween thing isn't so bad. I've been told for weeks about the scary ghost and witches that will be coming to the house. And, I will have to admit at first I thought that they were real, but they I noticed that they were not REAL witches and ghost, but just little boy's and girls dress up as witches and ghosts.
This was a huge load off my shoulders! Let me tell you. I was a little freaked out by a huge turtle that ended up being my friend Charlie from next door. He took off his hat and I was surprised that it was him. I thought he was a real turtle... Have you ever meet a snappy turtle, they are mean. Now picture one that almost 3 feet tall! Yeah, you understand why I was freaked out now don't you!
Do you like my costume? I'm a Little Monkey! Daddy calls me his little monkey.

Thanks Auntie Amy for the great (and warm) costume!

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