Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Airplane Rocks!!!!

Have you ever had an Airplane from a Daddy?!?

I just did... and you have to try one if you haven't had one before. It was sooooo cool. I was bigger than everyone else. I liked that. But I don't get it, how many other really cool things are they hiding from me? I should ask my Grandma and Grandpa, they might know.

Otherwise I haven't been doing a lot. I've been working on rolling over, and I've been working on getting started with my crawling. But there has been this weird feeling that has been bothering my face lately. Mommy said that it is "Teething." Daddy called it "Teeth-thing." For some reason I think I should believe my Mommy more than my Daddy.

Oh and my Sister Stefanie is going to be done with school, so I get to see more of her. That makes me happy!

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